photos Antonio Ficai - Fondazione Armunia (first pic) / Luna Loiero and Antonio Pittelli - FerMentis


concept choreography and dance Ilenia Romano
music Stefano Scodanibbio, Voyage that never ends [I Voyage started, II Voyage interrupted, III Voyage continued, IV Voyage resumed]
music performed live by Giacomo Piermatti
light design Leonardo Badalassi
dramaturgical collaboration Roberta Nicolai
production PinDoc
with the contribution of MiC and Regione Siciliana
with the support of Teatro del Carro/Residenza Artistica MigraMenti-Badolato, Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza Virgilio Sieni, ResiDance - azione del Network Anticorpi XL, CSC - Centro per la Scena Contemporanea/Bassano OperaEstate Festival Veneto, IntercettAzioni/CLAPS Circuito Lombardia, Centro di Residenza della Toscana (Armunia-CapoTrave/Kilowatt) - Comune di Sansepolcro

“Does a double bass string have a life of its own? It goes out of tune, it stretches, it twists, it vibrates... It finds its own tuning and proceeds through temperature excursions, it changes with the dry and with the humidity. Its internal movements rub it, strike it, pinch it. And in the meantime, its humors produce timbres within a network of extemporaneous movements.”

STRINGS is an experimental work on the relationship of assonance-dissonance-resonance between movement and music. The sound of a single ‘body instrument’ weaves an extemporaneous dialogue with the sound of the double bass of Voyage that never ends, a work by the great master of timbric evolutions, Stefano Scodanibbio. The multiple expressive possibilities of dance in its maximum abstraction are thus investigated within the meshes of this bond, within a choreographic structure defined in the macro that is relived and recreated each time in the micro (similarly to the processual nature of musical composition). The vibrant interaction between movement and sound reshapes space in configurations of different densities, volumes and trajectories. The modifications of state and textures of the body in relation to the various soundkinetic parameters determine changes on an energetic, dynamic and perceptive level, and together with the music create the conditions for a highly immersive sensorial experience. Giacomo Piermatti was born in Foligno (PG) in 1986. He studied double bass with Daniele Roccato and Stefano Scodanibbio. Strongly attracted by contemporary music, he has measured himself with the most significant solo repertoire of the 20th century for double bass solo, which he has presented in numerous international festivals. His interest in contemporaneity has led him to collaborate with the most important composers of today such as Sofia Gubaidulina, Hans Werner Henze, Vinko Globokar, Butch Morris, etc. He plays in the “Ludus Gravis”, the only formation in Europe made up of only double basses, with which he has participated in the most important international festivals dedicated to contemporary music. In the theatre field he has collaborated with Emilia Romagna Teatro and the Beijing National Opera, with Masque Teatro, CRT and with the Teatro delle Albe. He has collaborated with Klangforum Wien, Edison Studio, Ensemble Suono Giallo, Ex-Novo ensemble, Gamo, OpificioSonoro. He has made radio recordings for RadioTre and discographic recordings for Wergo and ECM.