photos: Paolo Porto (1 - 2), Margherita Masè (3 - 4)


concept choreography and dance Ilenia Romano
music Stefano Scodanibbio, Voyage that never ends [I Voyage started, II Voyage interrupted, III Voyage continued, IV Voyage resumed]
music performed live by Giacomo Piermatti
light design Leonardo Badalassi
dramaturgical collaboration Roberta Nicolai
production PinDoc
with the contribution of MiC and Regione Siciliana
with the support of Teatro del Carro/Residenza Artistica MigraMenti-Badolato, Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza Virgilio Sieni, ResiDance - azione del Network Anticorpi XL, CSC - Centro per la Scena Contemporanea/Bassano OperaEstate Festival Veneto, IntercettAzioni/CLAPS Circuito Lombardia, Centro di Residenza della Toscana (Armunia-CapoTrave/Kilowatt) - Comune di Sansepolcro

"I contact my 'inner chord'. I delve into the possible paths of the journey between micro and macro, between inside and outside. I open the path to emanations, deviations, expectations, illusory landings to be denied and then revealed as changes of state. I subtract and affirm 'voluntary' presence to my body so that it can reveal itself as sensitive matter that reacts to sound waves. I proceed in the maximum essentiality of my action. I trigger the possibilities of 'detuning' between my movement and the sound, exploring the limit and the nature of this tension that must not be torn. I encounter the resonances of other bodies present: the double bass, the musician, the spectators. The vibrant space of sound manifests itself through me, made of more or less dense grids, of overturned planes, of lines that are now straight, now curvilinear, spiraloid and sinusoidal. The center does not find fixity, it deforms with pushes and exits of vectors. I let myself go to the "liberated" returns and never equal to themselves of what I have gone through. I process my movement between the interstices of a meticulous choreographic score. Between the fibers of this structured matter, I breathe in the vitality of the forms awaiting the necessary transformations. I connect intuitions, physical sensations and imaginaries that feed each other, in a vague obsessiveness between material thrusts and leaps of lightness towards dimensions of the subtle.”

Strings is an experimental work on the relationship of assonance-dissonance-resonance between movement and music. The sound of a single ‘body instrument’ weaves an extemporaneous dialogue with the sound of the double bass of Voyage that never ends, a work by the great master of timbric evolutions, Stefano Scodanibbio. The multiple expressive possibilities of dance in its maximum abstraction are thus investigated within the meshes of this bond constantly tending towards 'scordatura', within a choreographic structure defined in the macro that is relived and recreated each time in the micro (similarly to the processual nature of musical composition). The vibrant interaction between movement and sound reshapes space in configurations of different densities, volumes and trajectories. The modifications of state and textures of the body in relation to the various sound-kinetic parameters determine changes on an energetic, dynamic and perceptive level, and together with the music create the conditions for a highly immersive sensorial experience.