My ever changing string

photos Antonio Ficai


concept choreography and dance Ilenia Romano
music Stefano Scodanibbio, Voyage that never ends [I Voyage started, II Voyage interrupted, III Voyage continued, IV Voyage resumed]
music performed live by Giacomo Piermatti
technical direction Leonardo Badalassi
duration 1 h (PART I-II-III-IV)
production PinDoc
with the support of Teatro del Carro/Residenza Artistica MigraMenti-Badolato,
Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza Virgilio Sieni, ResiDance - azione del
Network Anticorpi XL, CSC - Centro per la Scena Contemporanea/Bassano
OperaEstate Festival Veneto, IntercettAzioni/CLAPS Circuito Lombardia, Centro di
Residenza della Toscana (Armunia-CapoTrave/Kilowatt)

Does a double bass string have a life of its own? It detunes, tends, writhes, vibrates... It finds its personal tuning and proceeds by temperature excursions, it changes with the arid and with the humidity. Its inner motions rub it, beat it, pinch it. And meanwhile, its moods produce timbres within a network of extemporaneous movements.

My ever changing string_Studio is an experimental work on the assonance-dissonanceresonance relationship between movement and music score. The sound of a ‘body instrument’ weaves a dialogue with the sound of Stefano Scodanibbio’s contrabass in Voyage that never ends. Among the links of this bond, the multiple formal, meaning and imaginary possibilities are thus investigated, within a choreographic structure defined in the macro which is each time relived and recreated in the micro (similar to the procedural nature of musical composition). The changes in the state of the body (induced and/or deduced from the declination of different 'quality-textures'), in constant relationship with the different sound-kinetic parameters, determine changes at an energetic, temporal, dynamic and perceptive level and create, together with the music, a sort of highly evocative abstract narrative.