pictures Barbara Bertolotti


concept and choreography Paola Bianchi
created and danced by Barbara Carulli, Sara Cavalieri, Valentina Foschi and seven female dancers
sound design Stefano Murgia
lighting design Paolo Pollo Rodighiero
artistic collaboration Roberta Nicolai
costumes Cristiana Curreli
production PinDoc
coproduction Teatri di Vetro, Liberty / Stagione Agorà
with the contribution of MIC e Regione Siciliana
creative residency ATCL Lazio, Teatro Akropolis, Teatro Galli Rimini
carried out as part of the project Voci dalla storia ideato da Liberty e sostenuto da Unione Reno Galliera, Città Metropolitana di Bologna, Comuni di Baricella, Granarolo dell’Emilia, Malalbergo e Minerbio, Parco della Memoria Casone del Partigiano “Alfonsino Saccenti”, con il contributo di Regione Emilia Romagna

VOICE OVER was born from the transmission via audio of the description of some postures in the solo by Paola Bianchi […] KZ and the instantaneous and direct passage from the word to the body (heterodirection), a passage from body to bodies mediated by the word. A word that has been the driving force behind [...] KZ and that becomes a vehicle of transmission between bodies: from the voices recorded on audiotapes of 51 Italian people deported for political reasons to Nazi death camps during World War II to Paola Bianchi's body-from Paola's body to her recorded voice-from Paola's voice to the bodies of the dancers. A continuous oscillation between voices and bodies. A passage of memories that, through the bodies on stage, brings attention back to all genocides, past and present, in order not to forget and not to let our guard down, ever.
In the impossibility of the narration of trauma, the body becomes a place of stagnation and rebirth of images destined for disappearance, where oblivion and memory, presence and absence alternate in an attempt to transmit an intransmissible experience.
Eighty years after the Liberation of Italy from Nazi-Fascism, when by now very few people have survived, when the winds of war are blowing from all over the world, it is necessary to try to transmit that terrible experience in order to make alive a memory that risks fading inside cold storage rooms.


VOICE OVER is a modular scenic, individual and collective choreographic structure that develops between consonances and dissonances focusing on the sense of movement. An investigation of the informeless through juxtapositions, montages, dissimilar similarities that bring out the unexpected.
Equipped with earphones, the dancers perform part of the choreography following the directions of the recorded voice, a voice that leads the bodies in a concert of movements and actions that are never the same, but with a consonant sign that generates a precise pattern in space.
A voice out of the audience's hearing field, inside the performers' hearing field. A voice that hovers in the bodies, avoiding the passage to the ears of the audience. What are the words that pass from the ears into those bodies in the scene? What are the instructions? What the speech?